Changing the World One Bagel at a Time

6400 Carolina Beach Rd. #14
Wilmington, NC 28412
We really can change the world one bagel at a time!
We believe the way we choose to live and support our community can truly help change the world. We accept and invite neurodiversity into our work space, support community events and charities, provide food options for as many people as we can, and support diversity in all forms!
We want to do our part to help protect the environment we live and work in. Our son as always loved animals, but Oasis NC helped to really foster his love of all living things. Our son really wants to help protect the environment. He started a "Saving the Environment" club at school, is always picking up trash when he sees it, loves to go on walks and swim, and is obsessed with Orca whales. As citizens of this planet, we are also concerned with the health of our environment. As business owners, this concerned has only increased as we see the vast amounts of garbage we produce on a daily basis.
To help keep our planet healthy and practice what our family preaches, we want to reduce the amount of waste that serving food products produce. To aid in this effort, we are continually introducing more products which are recyclable, biodegradable, and/or compostable. We are continually finding more eco-friendly products to fit with our businesses needs. We look forward to being as environmentally friendly as possible!
We are proud of our "5 Star Ocean Friendly Establishment" and the extra effort we put into being responsible business owners and understanding the impact of what we do on our planet.
Our composting and recycling efforts have reduced our garbage by almost 78%!!
We would throw away almost 300 bags of trash monthly! Now we are down to 66 bags a month or almost 2 bags a day.
Can you imagine the amount of trash all the other restaurants in Wilmington, NC are producing?? What about the trash you personally create?
Everyone Should Be Able to Find Food They Love to Eat.
We decided early on that we wanted our bagel shop to be able to feed as many people as possible. It shouldn't matter what "diet" someone chooses to eat because we should try our best to include as many people as we can. We don't want to feed only one group of people. It shouldn't matter if a food diet is for medical reasons, or a lifestyle preference because we are in the business of feeding people.
For a variety of reasons there are many people in our immediate family who have needed certain dietary needs because of medical conditions and allergies. Our own experiences and watching our family and community members struggle to find something to eat really forced us to think about the type of restaurant we wanted to be. We don't have to be an entirely vegan restaurant to serve vegan items. We don't have to remove all oils and fats from our restaurant to feed people who can't have oil. We don't have to become a gluten-free restaurant to serve people who can't have gluten.
We decided to create a menu that could feed as many people, on as many diets as we could. This is why our vegan menu is so important to us. We are all inclusive with our staff so why can't we try to be as all-inclusive with our menu? A little bit of effort can go a long way. We are very proud that our vegan menu is one of the largest in the area and we aren't a "vegan" restaurant. We are an "everyone should be able to eat here" restaurant.
Love is love and there are many ways to show people they matter.
We want to show our children that all people are valuable and matter. To accomplish this goal, we strive to make sure Seaside Bagels is a place where all people are welcome! We are a no judgement zone and hope all people can feel free to be themselves. When we say we are Open To All we really mean it!
Beyond the walls of our shop, we work towards helping people and giving to our community in a variety of ways. It can be as simple as donating left over bagels to Meals on Wheels, donating food for charity events, sponsoring a sports team, hosting our daughters Girl Scout troop, selling artwork painted by Oasis NC students to fund enrichment programs, or donating bagels to teachers in local area schools.
We also like to help other small business owners in our area. You will often find food or beverage items from local small business owners in our shop. Currently we sell Queen Esther Teas and Elderberry Syrup Mama syrups, lozenges and elderberry lollipops. You never know what you might find in our shop!
We hope that our customers embrace how we want to see our world and think of ways they can make someone else's day just a little bit better.
Keep a look out because you never know what Seaside Bagels will be doing next!